About Us

Outpatient nursing service in Kiel & Bredenbek

Since 1994, with offices in Kiel and Bredenbek , we have made it possible for our customers and patients to stay at home and in their familiar surroundings even if they are dependent on nursing care and/or help in the household. We would be happy to provide you with comprehensive information about the options for outpatient care.

After extensive discussions with the person in need of help and/or their relatives, we work out an individual concept with you, which is optimally tailored to your needs. This also applies if you are only temporarily dependent on help, as may be the case during or after an illness, for example, or to temporarily relieve or stand in for caring relatives.

Starting with household support, provision of emergency call systems, normal care for the elderly and the sick, through to palliative care, we offer you the opportunity to stay in your home environment with our support.

So if you can no longer manage on your own – and still want to stay at home, contact us, your outpatient care team at Bliev to Huus .

We’re here to help!


Gaby Jöhnk
Industriekaufmann, Leitung Verwaltung & Personal
Nadine Roth
Kauffrau im Gesundheitswesen, Verwaltung Kiel
Fatima Zaghloul

Nursing Management

Michael Burkel
Krankenpfleger, Pflegedienstleitung, Palliative Care Pflegefachkraft, Supervisor
Sven Stuhr
Altenpfleger, Pflegedienstleitung, Palliative Care Pflegefachkraft, Heimleiter
Asta Burkel
Krankenschwester, Fachkraft für Anästhesie & Intensivmedizin, QM Beauftragte, BA Sozial- & Gesundheitsmangement, Stellvertretende Pflegedienstleitung
Kathrin Andresen
Stellvertretende Pflegedienstleitung, Altenpflegerin


Faka Rasmussen
Inken Thiedemann
Jacqueline Kriegel
Krankenschwester, Parkinson Fachschwester
Joanna Franczak
Oliver Berthold
Altenpfleger, Palliative Care Pflegefachkraft
Sabine Kehring
Sabine Steinhoff
Altenpflegerin, Palliative Care Pflegefachkraft
Julia Schulz
Fachkraft für Hauswirtschaft und Sozialpflege
Katarzyna Rose
Ute Brügmann
Arzthelferin, Hauswirtschaft


Ellen Hidde
Schwesternhelferin, Betreuungsassistentin (§45 SGB11), Hauswirtschaft
Marlies Knoll
Pflegehelferin, Betreuungsassistentin (§45 SGB11), Hauswirtschaft, Vertretung Hauswirtschaftsleitung
Marina Schwanebeck
Pflegehelferin, Betreuungskraft (§45 SGB11), Hauswirtschaft
Gaby Herpertz
Betreuungsassistentin (§45 SGB11), Hauswirtschaft
Tim Polley
Betreuungskraft nach §53b SGB XI, Pflegehelfer


Carmen von Hadel
Leitung Hauswirtschaft & Betreuungsabteilung
Ulrike Schneekloth
Valentina Reiter
Sabrina Stegelmann