Specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) is a specialized type of care aimed at people with a progressive, incurable disease, with the aim of improving the quality of life and well-being of these patients. SAPV services are offered by an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, psychologists and other specialists and are tailored to the individual needs of the patient.
We are a specially qualified cooperation partner of the SAPV Team Kiel and also offer terminal care and grief work with loved ones.
What does specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) include?
Specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) includes comprehensive care and support for patients with a progressive, incurable disease and their relatives. These include, among others:
- Pain Management : An important aspect of SAPV is the relief of pain. The SAPV team can assist by administering pain medication and creating pain management plans.
- Symptom Control : Another focus of SAPV is controlling symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, or constipation. The SAPV team can provide targeted help by administering medication or carrying out palliative measures such as inserting gastric tubes or urinary catheters.
- Psychological and emotional support : An essential part of SAPV is also the psychological and emotional support of patients and their relatives. The SAPV team can play an important role here, for example by talking and listening.
- Advice and support for relatives : The SAPV supports relatives of patients in caring for and caring for their loved ones and offers them advice and support.
- Hospice care : The SAPV can also offer hospice care to support patients in their last phase of life.
The specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) is financed by the health insurance companies and is free of charge for the patients. Inclusion in the SAPV is initiated by a doctor and usually requires the consent of the health insurance company. SAPV usually takes place at home or in an outpatient facility.
Who is specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) aimed at?
Specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) is aimed at patients with advanced, incurable disease who have particularly complex needs and symptoms and require comprehensive palliative care . The SAPV aims to improve the quality of life of patients and their relatives and to enable them to live and die as independently as possible.
SAPV is a specialized form of outpatient palliative care provided by an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, psychologists and social workers. In general, SAPV is aimed at patients with particularly complex needs and symptoms who require more comprehensive palliative care than general outpatient palliative care (AAPV) . The decision as to what form of palliative care is appropriate for a patient is made by a doctor based on the patient’s individual needs and symptoms.
What services does the outpatient nursing service Bliev to Huus offer in Kiel and Bredenbek?
As part of specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV), we generally offer the following services:
- Symptomatic treatment of pain and other ailments
- administration of drugs and other therapies
- Care
- Support for self-sufficiency and everyday life
- Support in communicating and dealing with the disease
- Advice and support for relatives
- Coordination and cooperation with the treating physicians and other participants
Depending on the individual needs and wishes of the patient and their relatives, other services can also be offered, for example in the form of psychological or social support.
Due to our many years of experience, the autonomy of the patient and open communication with each other is particularly important to us!
We see our greatest strength in this adaptation to the individual needs of our patients and their families .
We are very happy to have qualified nurses on his team, especially for general and specialized outpatient palliative care .
How does specialized outpatient palliative care work?
The SAPV is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, psychologists and social workers, which is specially adapted to the needs of patients with an advanced disease. Care can be provided both at home and in an outpatient facility such as a hospice or palliative care unit.
The SAPV focuses on the symptomatic treatment of pain and other ailments, support with self-care and psychological and social support for patients and their relatives. The aim is to improve the quality of life of patients and their families and to enable them to live and die as independently as possible in familiar surroundings.
frequently asked Questions
Was ist die SAPV?
Die SAPV ist eine spezialisierte Form der ambulanten Palliativversorgung, die sich an Patient:innen mit fortgeschrittener, nicht heilbarer Erkrankung richtet.
Wie wird die SAPV finanziert?
Die SAPV wird von den Krankenkassen finanziert und ist für die Patient:innen kostenfrei.
Welche Leistungen werden in der SAPV angeboten?
In der SAPV werden umfassende Leistungen angeboten, wie zum Beispiel: Schmerztherapie, Symptomkontrolle, Psychologische Unterstützung, Beratung und Unterstützung von Angehörigen, Hospizliche Betreuung.
Wer kann in die SAPV aufgenommen werden?
In die SAPV können Patient:innen mit fortgeschrittener, nicht heilbarer Erkrankung aufgenommen werden, die palliative Versorgung benötigen. Die Aufnahme in die SAPV wird von einer Ärztin, oder einem Arzt veranlasst und bedarf in der Regel einer Zustimmung der Krankenkasse.
Wo findet die SAPV statt?
Die SAPV findet in der Regel zu Hause oder in einer ambulanten Einrichtung statt. In manchen Fällen kann die SAPV auch in einem Hospiz oder einer Klinik durchgeführt werden.
Was unterscheidet die SAPV von der AAPV?
Die SAPV wird von einem interdisziplinären Team aus Ärzt:innen, Pflegekräften, Psycholog:innen und Sozialarbeiter:innen durchgeführt und bietet ein umfassendes Angebot an Leistungen wie Schmerztherapie, Symptomkontrolle und psychologische Unterstützung. Speziell qualifiziertes Fachpersonal des ambulanten Pflegedienstes und ärztliches Fachpersonal sind 24h erreichbar.
We are happy to help!
After extensive discussions, we will work out an individual concept with you, which is optimally tailored to your needs .
The personal meeting to get to know each other is irreplaceable with regard to outpatient care. Feel free to arrange a conversation with us!